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What is Radon?

Radon is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas that can cause lung cancer.

The only way to know if you have radon is to test.


RED BELT Home Inspection exclusively uses the

AirThings Corentium Pro for Radon Tests

Why is RADON a problem?

Radon occurs natrually when uranium breaks down to radium which in turn breaks down to form radon. Radon is released into the soil and easily enters your home through the foundation and well water. It can build up to dangerous levels inside homes, schools, and other buildings. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, after tobacco smoke. Radon kills nearly 21,000 people each year, more than 800 of them in Georgia. Smokers are at an even higher risk of radon-induced lung cancer than nonsmokers. 

Do I have a RADON problem?

The map below indicates areas at risk for higher levels of radon. Click the map to see your county. Please note that this data is based on test results between March 2003 and July 2017. There were insufficient data to determine the radon levels for counties without color. This map only serves as an approximation of the likelihood that your home contains higher radon levels.

Testing is the only way to know if you have dangerous levels of radon.


What's considered a high test result?

Above 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) is high. If your test result is over 4 pCI/L it is recommended that you test again with either a short-term (2-7 days) or long-term (3-12 months) device. If the second test result is over 4 pCi/L you should hire a professional to fix the problem.

How do I reduce the radon in my home?

If the radon level in your home is over 4 pCi/L, you should consider getting your home mitigated. Mitigation is the technique used to remove the radon in your home. You should you use a registered mitigator and obtain estimates from more than one professional. In the EPA Consumer Guide to Radon Reduction, on pages 4-6, there is a helpful checklist on how to select a radon mitigation professional. For more information on mitigation read Radon Mitigation Dos & Don'ts.

Find mitigators in your area

What about radon in well water?

If your drinking water comes from a well or other underground source, then it could contain radon. If you have a private well, we recommend testing your air first and if that result is high, then test your drinking water. For more information on radon in water visit the EPA website.  Click here for a map of  radon in water test results in Georgia.

UGA offers testing for radon in water through the UGA Agricultural & Environmental Services Laboratories.  Click here for the radon in water sampling instructions and submission form

Video: Radon Can Lead to Lung Cancer



Radon in Water

Radon Mitigation



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